Mivel egyáltalán nem rajongok a bogyózásért, azt hittem utálni fogom. DE NEM! Sőt már szinte élveztem, hogy egyre többen lettek. Minden jó, ha jó a vége. Az egyik képen rajta van két fülcsi is. Megtalálod őket? Ja, és az utolsó képen én is rajta vagyok! Hihi...
As I do not enjoy making beaded beads, I thought I would hate them. BUT NO! Moreover, I almost enjoyed to see their number increasing. All well that ends well. There are also the earrings on one photo. Can you find them? And I'm on the last photo, too. :)))))
As I do not enjoy making beaded beads, I thought I would hate them. BUT NO! Moreover, I almost enjoyed to see their number increasing. All well that ends well. There are also the earrings on one photo. Can you find them? And I'm on the last photo, too. :)))))